Sustainable Tourism in Bhutan

Our Sustainable Mission:

To promote Bhutan as a clean and green destination, prioritize sustainability in all aspects of our operations, and contribute to the preservation of our culture and natural heritage.

Our Sustainable Projects:

  • Develop sustainable tour itineraries.
  • Minimize waste generated during treks and ensure all wastes are collected and brought back to the office, where it is properly segregated and disposed of.
  • Eliminate the use of plastic bottled water from shops and encourage all visitors to bring their own reusable water bottles.
  • Support local communities by promoting local festivals and farmhouses.

Our Partnerships:

We aim to collaborate with local NGOs focused on the conservation of species such as the rare Black-necked Cranes and White-bellied Herons. Additionally, we plan to work with local communities to promote their festivals and services.

Our Future Sustainable Goals:

Our goal is to develop zero-emission tours that enhance the well-being of local communities, respect and preserve cultural traditions, and rigorously adhere to our zero-waste policy. We will also maintain our support for local NGOs in their vital conservation efforts